Web3 Developer Path

Martin Walker
Oct 21, 2023 at 01:05 pm

On the picturesque date of October 20th, the Ethereum layer-2 Base network made a captivating revelation. They unveiled a remarkably extensive eight-week training program, intriguingly titled "Base Bootcamp." This innovative endeavor is strategically designed to take the helm in the transformation of conventional software developers into blockchain developers, a transformation as profound as it is exciting. Remarkably, and to the delight of many, this program is offered with a strikingly generous price tag of absolutely nothing, ensuring accessibility to all who aspire to embrace this emerging frontier of technology.

Nevertheless, there is a rather intriguing twist to this tale. Base Bootcamp is thoughtfully tailored to cater to the specific needs of "mid to senior level individual contributors in Software Engineering." This strategically selected target audience will undoubtedly find this unique educational journey of great value, with its promise of transformative knowledge. To embark on this educational odyssey, aspiring learners must navigate the application process and await the grand moment of acceptance, adding an air of anticipation to their journey. A mere handful of less than 20 students will be granted entry into each exclusive "cohort," reinforcing the program's commitment to quality over quantity. As the clock continues to tick, the closing of the application window has been meticulously set for October 27th, ensuring that aspiring blockchain developers act swiftly.

The clarion call sounded by Base is fueled by a sobering realization. In the contemporary landscape, a stark discrepancy has emerged. While over 30 million software developers roam the digital plains, fewer than 30,000 have ventured into the fascinating realm of onchain development. This staggering contrast reveals that a mere 0.1% of software developers have embarked on the path of Web3 development. The significance of Base Bootcamp becomes all the more pronounced in light of this staggering statistic.

Prior to the grand unveiling of Base Bootcamp, Base had introduced a digital learning sanctuary known as "Base Camp." This virtual haven was open to all, offering a preliminary taste of what the world of Web3 development has to offer. However, Base recognized that to master this multifaceted domain, one needs more than a solitary journey; they require a supportive community. Learning complex new skills alone can be as treacherous as navigating uncharted waters. Hence, Base Bootcamp is set to provide the support, camaraderie, and mentorship that eager developers need to thrive.

In the hallowed halls of Base Bootcamp, each student will be gracefully paired with a dedicated mentor, a guiding star to illuminate their path. Weekly meetings with these mentors will provide invaluable opportunities for knowledge exchange and guidance. Moreover, participants will be granted the privilege of engaging with a collective of esteemed Coinbase and Base engineers. These knowledgeable mentors will graciously offer their insights and expertise during specified office hours, serving as beacons of knowledge in the turbulent sea of blockchain development.

To foster community engagement and collaboration, a private Discord server will be thoughtfully established. This virtual space will facilitate seamless communication among students, enabling them to share insights, challenges, and experiences with both their peers and the illustrious Base engineers. As a testament to their commitment to excellence, Base Bootcamp will also introduce additional assignments, meticulously curated to foster holistic learning. These tasks will be assessed with great care by the esteemed members of the Base team, offering valuable feedback to the aspiring blockchain developers.

Towards the culmination of this transformative journey, students will be entrusted with a pivotal mission: the creation of their very own Web3 application. In a captivating display of their newfound skills, they will showcase their creations to their fellow students, marking the completion of a remarkable educational odyssey.

While the program does not impose tuition fees, students are kindly requested to provide a deposit of 1 Ether (ETH), currently valued at $1,608. This modest contribution serves as a symbolic commitment to see the program through to its triumphant conclusion. A testament to their faith in their students, Base assures that this deposit will be returned to each graduate as they complete this transformative journey.

The scarcity of qualified Web3 developers has been a resounding concern resonating within the industry. Innovative solutions to address this challenge are emerging from various corners of the globe. In Australia, forward-thinking educators have proposed the inclusion of Web3 development in high school curricula, an audacious endeavor to equip the next generation with the skills to navigate this uncharted territory. Meanwhile, forward-thinking companies like Circle have embarked on the development of tools designed to simplify the intricate process of Web3 development. Their recent release of a toolset that allows developers to deploy contracts using familiar Web2 methods is a testament to the industry's commitment to providing accessible solutions in the evolving world of blockchain.

Read more about: Unlocking the Future: Cronos Accelerator Invites Blockchain and AI Pioneers to Shape the Web3 Revolution

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