Texas: A Bitcoin Mining Powerhouse

Martin Walker
Sep 28, 2023 at 05:51 pm

The state of Texas, a sprawling expanse within the United States, significantly contributes to the Bitcoin (BTC) network by accounting for over a quarter, precisely 28%, of the total hash rate in the country. This insightful piece of information emerges from the latest iteration of the Hashrate Map provided by Foundry USA, a well-known provider of crypto mining services. The map, recently refreshed with the most current data, vividly portrays Texas as a dominant force, boasting a substantial 28.5% share of the entire nation's Bitcoin hash rate. Following the Lone Star State, Georgia stakes its claim to 9.64% of the hash rate, while New York and New Hampshire proudly account for 8.75% and 5.33%, respectively. The hash rate of Bitcoin serves as a vital metric, illustrating the velocity at which a mining machine endeavors to calculate a valid block hash.

Now, let's take a leap back to December 2021, where a snapshot of Foundry's pool painted a slightly different picture. During that particular juncture in time, Texas exercised control over 8.43% of the nation's hash rate, while Georgia took the lead with a commanding 34.17%. The state of Kentucky secured a respectable 12.40%, and New York wasn't too far behind, claiming 9.53% of the hash rate. In comparison to the landscape of 2021, the mining landscape in the U.S. has witnessed a notable expansion in 2023, with more states actively engaging in Bitcoin mining operations.

Fast forward to July 2023, a pivotal moment in the Bitcoin timeline, where the global hash rate for Bitcoin catapulted to a staggering 400 exahashes per second (EH/s). This marked a near twofold increase from the hash rate at the close of 2021, which stood at a comparatively modest 174 EH/s, according to the data shared by Foundry.

Hash rate map in July 2023. Source: Foundry USAHash rate map in July 2023. Source: Foundry USA

Now, let's zoom in on the data collection process that took place between July 21 and 27, 2023. This period coincided with a challenging situation in Texas, characterized by power curtailment. During this period of power curtailment, Bitcoin miners implemented a deliberate reduction in their production activities, all in a concerted effort to balance the delicate equilibrium of energy supply and demand within the grid. Essentially, this strategic maneuver served as a mechanism to manage energy consumption efficiently, especially during peak demand periods. Notably, Texas has implemented a program that extends incentives to significant energy consumers, such as Bitcoin miners, encouraging them to exhibit flexibility in their energy consumption patterns.

In this intricate tapestry of energy dynamics, we find Riot Platforms, a notable player in the Bitcoin mining arena, actively participating in Texas' curtailment program. During the month of August, the company experienced a reduction in the quantity of Bitcoins mined compared to July. However, in a fascinating turn of events, they received power credits from the state amounting to a substantial sum of over $31 million.

The state of Texas, with its vast landmass and abundant energy resources, has been steadily evolving into a key nexus for crypto mining activities. This transformation is primarily attributed to the attractive allure of cheaper energy and an increasingly hospitable regulatory framework within the state. Citing data from the Energy Information Administration, we observe that the electricity prices in Texas consistently fall below the national average. As of January 2023, the average residential electricity tariff in Texas stood at an appealing $0.14 per kilowatt-hour (kWh), presenting an enticing 8.3% discount when juxtaposed with the national average of $0.15 per kWh. These cost advantages are even more pronounced for mammoth consumers like crypto miners, further fueling Texas' burgeoning role in the mining landscape.

This fascinating transformation of Texas into a powerhouse for substantial mining operations gained significant momentum following the decisive crackdown on crypto mining by China in the tumultuous year of 2021. The evolving landscape of Bitcoin mining seems to have found a new frontier in the heartlands of Texas.

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