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  • Shiba Inu Star: Dogecoin's Tribute to Kabosu Unveiled in Japan – A Monumental Celebration!

Shiba Inu Star: Dogecoin's Tribute to Kabosu Unveiled in Japan – A Monumental Celebration!

Jack Evans
Oct 6, 2023 at 08:07 am

In a heartwarming show of appreciation and devotion, Dogecoin enthusiasts embarked on a crowdfunding journey to erect a monumental statue in honor of Kabosu, the canine that became an internet sensation. This endeavor, known as the "Bronze The Doge" campaign, was jointly initiated by the Dogecoin Foundation, Own The Doge, and Kabosu's owner, Atsuko Sato, in November 2022.

The motivation behind this heartfelt endeavor was twofold. Firstly, to celebrate Kabosu's 17th birthday and, secondly, to mark the 9th anniversary of Dogecoin on December 6th. The campaign took off with astounding fervor, collecting over $42,000 in cryptocurrency donations within the first 72 hours. However, the unpredictable nature of the crypto markets later led to fluctuations in the funds' value.

Despite the market challenges, the Doge community remained unwavering in their commitment. Their goal is crystal clear: to create a statue that's not just impressive but monumental. "This is surely one of the most important and impactful things the Doge community has ever created. The statue will provide an IRL location for those inspired by the Doge to pilgrimage and gather," exclaimed Tridog of Own The Doge.

The planned bronze monument will find its home in Sakura Furusato Square, near the very place where Kabosu strolls alongside Sato. The community envisions this statue becoming a "Doge Mecca" – a sacred ground for meme enthusiasts to unite and commemorate Kabosu's enduring and positive influence.

Donations for the "Bronze The Doge" campaign are welcome in various cryptocurrencies, including Dogecoin and Ethereum. The organizers assure that the funds will remain securely stored in digital wallets until the statue's construction is complete. With anticipation building, Kabosu's statue is set to be unveiled in early November, just in time to celebrate her birthday on November 2nd, according to an announcement made in April.

The tale of Kabosu's statue is not just a tribute to a beloved dog but a testament to the incredible power of community and the resilience of the cryptocurrency movement. As the statue's unveiling approaches, it serves as a reminder that in a world of digital assets and virtual currencies, there's room for genuine emotion, shared experiences, and the enduring bond between a meme and its devoted followers. The Doge community's dedication to celebrating Kabosu's legacy truly exemplifies the spirit of crypto enthusiasts worldwide.

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