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Nvidia's Pivotal Earnings: A Game-Changer for AI-Linked Crypto Tokens

Aug 24, 2023 at 12:54 pm

Tokens like FET and stocks of cryptocurrency miners might experience movement following the earnings report of the prominent chipmaker.

AI-related tokens including FET, GRT, INJ, RNDR, and AGIX could potentially see fluctuations in response to Nvidia's earnings announcement on Wednesday. Additionally, shares of crypto mining companies like APLD, IREN, HUT, and HIVE might also witness an impact.

Nvidia, a leading chip manufacturing company, has the potential to shape the perception of the ongoing artificial intelligence (AI) frenzy. Their quarterly report, scheduled for release after the close of the U.S. stock market on Wednesday, holds significance as it's their first since surpassing Wall Street's expectations in May and outlining an optimistic outlook for AI-linked revenue. This sentiment, coupled with the expanding mainstream use of AI, as exemplified by OpenAI’s ChatGPT, also influenced AI-related cryptocurrencies, propelling them to surge.

However, the majority of AI-related tokens that initially surged post the report experienced subsequent losses.

Nevertheless, tokens like Fetch.ai (FET), The Graph (GRT), Injective (INJ), Render (RNDR), and SingularityNET (AGIX) have maintained higher values year-to-date. This implies that investors continue to be intrigued by the convergence of cryptocurrency and AI. The sector received a moderate boost in July following Elon Musk's introduction of his ChatGPT competitor.

Should Nvidia demonstrate that AI is evolving into a significant revenue generator, it would not only benefit the technology companies that are widely adopting AI but could also positively influence sentiment towards AI-related crypto tokens, at least in the short term.

Moreover, today's earnings report might shed light on how AI could reshape corporate strategies within the realm of crypto mining. While the equipment used by mining companies is specifically tailored for cryptocurrency activities and not easily adaptable for AI processing, their expertise and existing data center infrastructure could facilitate a transition into AI-related ventures.

Mining companies like Applied Digital (APLD), Iris Energy (IREN), Hut 8 (HUT), and Hive (HIVE) have already begun repurposing their data centers to accommodate AI and other computational services, given the declining profitability of mining during prolonged bearish periods. As investors have rewarded publicly traded mining firms for diversifying into AI, the guidance provided by Nvidia could potentially impact the stock prices of these mining companies.

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