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Frax Finance Successfully Resolves Domain Name Hijacking Issu

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Nov 2, 2023 at 07:41 am

Frax Finance, a decentralized protocol that operates across different blockchains, recently experienced a domain hijacking incident, causing concern within the cryptocurrency community. This attack occurred early on a Wednesday, prompting the project's team to quickly collaborate with their domain registrar, Name.com, to regain control over the compromised domain.

A statement issued by the project aimed to reassure users, affirming that "Name.com has reached out to us and confirmed that the domains are once again correctly linked to our DNS under our control. We have been informed that they will provide us with an account of the incident's causes after conducting a comprehensive investigation tomorrow."

Domain Name System (DNS) hijacking is a malicious tactic used by cyber attackers to redirect users to fake websites that closely resemble legitimate ones. The ultimate goal is to trick unsuspecting users into revealing their login information. Unfortunately, such incidents have become more common in the cryptocurrency realm.

A similar event occurred the previous year involving the decentralized finance (DeFi) project Convex Finance, which had to swiftly establish new website addresses after the original ones were compromised. This compromise resulted in users being directed to fraudulent websites.

Fortunately, in the recent case with Frax Finance, there have been no reported instances of user funds being stolen by the attacker. However, Sam Kazemian, the founder of Frax Finance, expressed deep concern about the incident. He emphasized that the project team is still investigating the exact cause of the attack and clarified that it does not seem to be linked to compromised email accounts or passwords.

"It doesn’t seem like we did anything wrong at all. So until they tell us the account is secure, it’s not possible for us to say it’s safe," Kazemian noted.

Despite Name.com's lack of response to inquiries from Bitsday, they have affirmed their dedication to conducting a thorough investigation into the incident to determine the specific details surrounding the domain hijacking. This incident serves as a clear reminder of the importance of robust security measures in the cryptocurrency space and the necessity of a swift and effective response to such threats.

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