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Financial Pas de Deux: BC Technology's Crypto Ballet with BGX

Martin Walker
Nov 15, 2023 at 12:29 pm

In the ever-evolving landscape of financial dynamics, BC Technology Group has orchestrated a symphony of financial crescendo, casting a spotlight on Hong Kong's illustrious cryptocurrency stage with the backing of the formidable BGX.

Picture this: BC Technology engaging in a strategic ballet with BGX, a dance where the latter gracefully pledges allegiance to secure shares in BC Technology, an act that unfolds with a dazzling display of 710 million Hong Kong dollars (or a princely $90.1 million, for those counting in dollars and not cents). The grandeur of this financial spectacle, replete with the confetti of new shares, is poised to take center stage pending the anticipated applause from the shareholder audience, as artfully conveyed in the disclosure duet on November 14.

Beyond the balance sheets and ledgers, BC Technology and BGX invite the audience to peer behind the curtain, revealing that this financial extravaganza is more than just a monetary waltz. It's a testament, they assert, to OSL's unwavering commitment to not just keeping pace but leading the charge in the domains of digital asset security, regulatory finesse, and the ballet of cutting-edge technological prowess. A script that unfolds seamlessly, given OSL's prior standing ovation for securing the sought-after Hong Kong crypto license back in 2023, establishing itself as the virtuoso among its exchange peers.

As the curtain momentarily falls on the trading floor of the prestigious Stock Exchange of Hong Kong, whispers echo among the backstage crew. An intriguing subplot surfaces – an unverified report insinuates a clandestine courtship between OSL and Bitget, an exchange gracefully bowing out of the Hong Kong market on November 13.

Meanwhile, BC Technology, the maestro behind OSL's financial performance, is rumored to be contemplating a blockbuster deal, mulling over the potential sale of the OSL exchange for a staggering 1 billion Hong Kong dollars, an eye-watering sum that translates to a mesmerizing $128 million.

In the collaborative script, BGX steps into the limelight, casting itself as the protagonist in a narrative that describes a "crypto group with aspirations to orchestrate an innovative platform, where institutional and retail investors can pirouette gracefully into the world of crypto investments." Amidst the fog of ambiguity surrounding BGX's founding date, an archival snapshot from the cryptic realms of March 2021, as captured by the enigmatic Wayback Machine, paints BGX as a "global digital currency exchange, swaying to the rhythm of SoftBank Investment."

Despite the collaborative disclosure, OSL remains the sphinx, retaining an air of mystery as it chooses to keep the encore details of the strategic investment under wraps. The anticipation heightens as the spotlight shifts to BGX, waiting with bated breath for their cue to respond and perhaps grace the audience with an encore of comments. The financial drama continues, a tale woven with threads of speculation and anticipation, set against the backdrop of the ever-shifting tides of the cryptocurrency realm.

Wayback Machine snapshot of BGX website from June 2021. Source: Wayback MachineWayback Machine snapshot of BGX website from June 2021. Source: Wayback Machine

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