Defending the Future of Crypto: DeFi Warriors Take on Patent Trolls

Jack Evans
Sep 12, 2023 at 03:20 pm

In a recent blog post that shook the crypto community, DEF unveiled their daring mission to invalidate TRS's attempts to sue crypto projects into submission. The battleground? A petition filed with the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) seeking to kickstart an inter partes review (IPR) and obliterate every claim lodged in a patent owned by TRS.

The sparks of this crypto showdown ignited when TRS filed a lawsuit against industry heavyweights MakerDAO and Compound Protocol in October 2022, accusing them of infringing upon a US patent. DEF has since come out swinging, arguing that this patent should never have seen the light of day, alleging a dearth of genuine innovation.

"In our petition," DEF declares boldly, "we demonstrate to the USPTO that the technology described in the patent [owned by TRS] was not new or unique at the time the patent was granted, and, in fact, there was prior art in circulation prior to its issuance."

The battle lines are drawn, and the stakes are high. However, DEF concedes that this contest will be anything but a swift victory, as TRS has three months to respond to their petition. Presently, TRS clings to the title of US Patent No. 10,025,797.

As the clock ticks, the USPTO holds the key to this crypto saga, with a pivotal decision slated for March 2024. If the petition is accepted and the review commences, DEF informs us that the USPTO will have one year to render its judgment.

The core mission of the Washington D.C.-based DEF is noble and clear: to safeguard the people's right to use and nurture open source software, ensuring that the spirit of innovation in the crypto realm remains untethered and free.

In the unfolding drama of crypto's evolution, DEF stands as a bulwark against patent trolls, champions of a world where innovation thrives, unburdened by the shackles of baseless claims. As the crypto community watches and waits, the battle for the future of decentralized finance rages on, and DEF's determination is a beacon of hope in these uncertain digital waters.

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